How to increase project management productivity with Hibox
Tips and tricks your team can use to boost project management productivity! Digital Project Management is a must for any size team, whether you’re in an office or spread across the world. By introducing a virtual project management tool, your...
3 ways to get open office layout benefits without wall demolition
An open office layout can guarantee you some benefits! The hyped open office layout was comparable to a Feng Shui movement of the 1970s; the fixation of “HR gurus” and “business culturists”. Leaders, regardless of what industry, thought that this...
My experience at Hibox: A European tech startup
Hi everyone, My name is Fabio. I’m a 24-year-old student in my last year at university. I’m finishing my Business and Communication degree at Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia in Italy. I worked at the Hibox, a...
Real companies improve productivity with Hibox: Modern Lantern
Small beginnings, unique solutions Texas-based lighting company, Modern Lantern, has been helping homeowners, hotels, event planners, offices, and anyone else trying to light up a room “cut the cord” for almost five years now. Stephen, a former product designer for...
6 important tools to boost your remote work productivity
List of useful tools to make your remote work more productive: New companies and veteran corporations alike have a new frontier in employment. The introduction of the ‘digital workplace’ has expanded the talent pool to virtually all corners of the...
New features: Time tracking and export tasks
Two new features just arrived: Time Tracking and Export Task! Time Tracking Time Tracking allows you to measure the exact time your team is investing in each task! In Task Details you now have a Play/Pause button so users can...
5 simple ways you can improve your work environment
As Vicente del Bosque says “a good player wins a match, but a good team wins five.” This phrase applies perfectly to the business world. The work environment, so often overlooked, is one of the most important factors within a company....
3 ways to ‘digitally minimize’ for better office productivity
Why digitally minimize can increase your office productivity: Recently, the term “digital detox” has become quite the buzzword. Many of us have pushed our phone memory and data to the limit with apps for everything— including work. Now there is...
5 artificial intelligence productivity tools you can’t live without
Fundamental artificial intelligence tools for your business Artificial Intelligence used to be a long-off possibility but now it seems to be manifesting all around us. It’s on its way to becoming a real business necessity, with 64% of businesses who...
Personal productivity game plan: 7 vital steps to reaching your goals
Personal productivity management: how to reach your goals Productivity boils down to the individual minutes and how you choose to spend them. If we know personal productivity is what stands in the way between us and our goals, why don’t...
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