Top tips for powerful team task management
Teamwork is the difference between success and failure; team task management guarantees success In theory teamwork should make working to meet deadlines and handle the workload from a project easier. But in practice, organizing team tasks and working with others...
The best methods and tools to share tasks with a small team:
In recent years, startups manned by only a handful of people with limited resources have been able to move far ahead of large companies with hundreds or thousands of employees. Technology has made it possible for small teams to create...
The best team building activities from top companies
Are team building activities important? Employee engagement is a big deal no matter how big your team is. Employee engagement is an underestimated metric that has a direct effect on the bottom line. Companies with ‘highly’ engaged employees had a...
How to set up task management that syncs with mobile & desktop
Have you ever downloaded a task management app and started using it only to eventually abandon it a week later? The problem with task management tools and apps is that they need to fit into our workflow and processes intuitively...
Task organization apps: why you need one & how to choose?
Getting in control of your distractions and responsibilities to boost productivity this year is going to take some task organization. It seems simple and common sense, but if it really was, we’d all be on an Elon Musk level of...
The traits that make a good project manager from top leaders and experts
Like any creative position or other leadership role like CEO or director, it’s difficult to pinpoint what makes a good project manager. Unlike other roles, it isn’t one hundred percent based on education or experience or another measurable attribute. Project...
The top productivity apps for 2018
c. Despite there being an endless amount of sites that can distract you online, there are plenty of ways to use what’s out there to make you laser focused and accountable. Our international team works together entirely online. We’ve all...
5 tips to increase productivity and motivate employees
Lack of motivation at work costs money to the companies. On average, a loss of 34% of the salary received by a disengaged employee each year is lost. Without taking into account the high cost of staff turnover. If you...
5 atributos que debe tener un líder de proyecto
Sabemos que dentro de los atributos que debe tener un líder de proyecto deben destacar algunas, como por ejemplo; la buena comunicación, organización, disciplina, entre otras habilidades; pero un verdadero líder de proyecto se define por muchas otras cosas más....
How to avoid distractions at work
How do you avoid distractions at work? If you think back to school days where there wasn’t a phone or a laptop in front of you at every second, you can actually remember what it was like to focus on one...
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