The things no one tells you about working from home (and how to fix them)
Before Covid-19, working remote was like a dream come true. You could picture yourself with your laptop working on the beach or a fancy cafe and managing your schedule. Now more than ever, people are working remote and specifically from...
How to stay productive while working from home (in times of Covid-19)
These days many of us are working from home and depending on your own personal situation it could be a challenge to stay productive. We have good news! We have a long experience working from home and we would like...
Five tips for managing a remote team
Due to the recent outbreak of Covid-19, many teams started working remote for the first time. It might seem difficult to maintain communication and productivity as if the whole team was working together at the office, but actually it’s not...
Top 5 Ways to Make Remote Workers Jobs Simpler
Working from home is the ultimate dream. Employees get to work at their own time, their own pace. They’re more accountable for their responsibilities and career growth greatly depends on how hard they work. However, it’s not always easy for...
How to Hire the Right Remote Writer for your Company
From blogs, websites and press releases to social media, email marketing and other marketing channels – there will always be a need for content when it comes to growing your business, shaping its reputation and connecting with customers. Thanks to...
Attracting and keeping top remote talent
The business world is becoming increasingly entrepreneurial. Businesses are more fluid than before, axing traditional ways of working with employees, organization styles, and even traditional offices. Remote work is a big part of this shift and it’s happening fast. In...
Interview with Brett Harned: digital project management and the challenges of working with a remote team
We recently spoke with Brett Harned, a digital project management consultant, author and coach. Brett’s expertise in digital project management has led him to blogging, writing and speaking professionally about project management for years, as well as running workshops and...
How I work remote with 5 companies in 5 countries. My tips for you!
Want to manage your digital “office” and being able to work remotely? Here are few tips based on my own experience. It’s been nearly a year and a half now since I started to work remote. My first remote employer...
Tools for freelancers: how to use Hibox with remote clients
Feel like being your own boss, manager, and employee all at the same time if you are a freelancer? Here are some tools to make your life more organized! The big draw of freelance work is the photos of working...
Interview with Mark Sanborn: Leadership in the information age and the future of management
Information age and future of management: How to be a leader! We recently spoke with Mark Sanborn, a renowned leadership expert, professional speaker and best-selling author on the most pressing topics in leadership and management today. Here at Hibox, we’re...
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