Integrate Email To Hibox
Send emails and attachments directly to your streams. With your email integrated to Hibox, you will be able to receive notifications from your favourite applications.

Integrate Email With Hibox
No need to use different platforms. Organize your entire work stream in one single place and receive email notifications from your favorite apps. Hibox makes work easy for you!
Post Emails to Groups
Customize your streams to receive email alerts from external apps. This way your entire team will be able to stay updated and organized in Hibox with the latest news from other important tools you are using.

Get Email Notifications from Any App
Integrate whatever favorite app you have, and instantly publish email alerts in specific groups – such as emails from PayPal in your Finance stream or emails from Salesforce in your Sales stream. Everything you need to maximize you and your team’s performance.
Use Whitelist For More Security
Input the email addresses allowed to post emails to different company chat streams. This way you will be able to avoid unwanted spam. If left blank, all incoming emails will be posted. If you put emails on list, only those emails will be able to post to your streams.