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How to Start a Chat

< 1 min read

  1. On the left side menu, scroll down until you see the “People” section. 

  2. On the “People” section you will find all of the users in your organization. Click on any user name to start an instant chat with that person. 

  3. If you cannot find the user you are looking for, look for the button at the bottom of the list on the “People” section.
  4. A list of users will appear next to the left-side menu. Click on the user you want to start a chat with, or type in the username in the search box.
  5. If you can’t find the person you want to chat, you can invite a new user by clicking on the “+” sign, right next to the “People” section.
  6. Click here to learn how to invite/remove a user.

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