[:fr]L’intelligence artificielle prend de plus en plus d’importance et change réellement la manière que nous avons de vivre et de travailler. D’ailleurs, selon des études récentes, 47% des opportunités d’emplois actuelles seront occupées par des machines au cours des deux...
Interview with Edd Wilder-James about the future: The real potential of Artificial Intelligence
Ready for the future? The real potential of Artificial Intelligence: I had the pleasure of speaking with Edd Wilder-James, the former VP of tech strategy at Silicon Valley Data Science, to answer a few questions about AI and business. Edd...
Interview with Nir Eyal: Workplace productivity, motivation and Artificial Intelligence
We Spoke with Best-Selling Author Nir Eyal on Workplace Productivity, Motivation and Artificial Intelligence: We’ve been working on improving Hibox to be the ultimate digital workplace this year. We’ve been focusing our research and brainstorming on the future of collaboration,...
How to use Artificial Intelligence to boost office productivity
The implementation of Artificial Intelligence can actually boost your productivity level! Just this week during an email conversation, I asked a colleague when they were free to schedule a call. The next email I received was from an “Amy Ingram”...
Interview with Alan Lepofsky: AI and the future of the workplace
We Spoke with Silicon Valley’s Constellation Research VP Alan Lepofsky on AI and the Future of the Workplace: We’ve been working on improving Hibox to be the ultimate digital workplace this year. We’ve been focusing our research and brainstorming on...
How Hibox is using AI to boost companies’ performance
Artificial Intelligence can boost your performance! One of the biggest questions floating around companies both large and small today is how to use Artificial Intelligence and if it’s even worth trying. The benefits are numerous, but so are the questions...
5 artificial intelligence productivity tools you can’t live without
Fundamental artificial intelligence tools for your business Artificial Intelligence used to be a long-off possibility but now it seems to be manifesting all around us. It’s on its way to becoming a real business necessity, with 64% of businesses who...