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Set up your Availability

< 1 min read

  1. Set up your different availabilities by clicking on the “Availability” button in the right column.
  2. Create a new availability schedule by clicking on the “+ New Schedule” button.
    Set up your Availability
  3. Set a name for your availability schedule and click “Continue
    Set up your Availability
  4. Set your availability per day. You can create different time slots inside one day.
    1. Check the box for the day available and set the timeframe.
      Working Hours
    2. Create a new time slot for that day by clicking on the plus sign “+”.
      Working Hours
    3. You could copy the availability for one day to different days of the week using the copy button. Or set each day manually when needed.
      Copying Days of the Week
  5. Don’t forget to set your Timezone and set it as default when needed.
    Set up your Availability Timezone
  6. If you have any issues, please, click on the “Launch troubleshooter” button
  7. Scroll down and Save your changes.

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